So, I wanted to give a little update on how this was coming along. Actually had quite a little setback. First my seedlings got a fungus, so I had to transplant them. Then it got realllllly cold for a few nights. And then a squirrel (or other city rodent) decided to eat a bunch of them. After all of that a lot of my seedlings were dead or just gone (all of my cucumber seedlings are dead). So, I've started a few of them again, though, it may be too late in the season. If they're not really taking off in the next week or two then I'll just buy some plants. No biggy. Plus we're supposed to finally have a longer string of warm and sunny days, so I think that should help.
Some of my tomato plants are actually doing pretty well. The name of this heirloom seed is "West Virginia Hillbilly Tomato". So, clearly that's why I bought it because it's the tomato for my peoples.

My lettuce is actually doing pretty well. Still really small, but getting there.

I bought two blackberry bushes 2 weeks ago and planted them and they're looking purty so far. No berries yet (still way too early), but I've got some pretty blooms.

My beans are starting to sprout and making a go of it.
You can actually see some of the first strawberries in my strawberry plant, too. I didn't start this from seed, just bought it.

I'm still really enjoying this whole process and hope everything keeps going so I can supply all my friends and family with fresh veggies this summer. :)